Go Big Report
Need to track sales for Go Big
As of this moment from created solution date there is no way to view Go Big sales. Alternative below, if there are any additional questions please reach out to PAR.
- Go to PAR Portal > Reports > Product Mix > By Section
- Select Location and Date. You can “Filter by Item” but it’s going to take a long time to load or fail to load all items. Just leaving boxes unchecked running report including everything will be faster.
- Once the report runs, the first option you can press control (Ctrl) F look for Large Drink and Large Fries. Scroll to next page if you can’t find either one. Second option which is the easiest option run the report and save to PDF pressing Floppy icon
. Once PDF opens control (Ctrl) F again to look for Large Drink and Large Fries. Note to know if you are looking at the correct Item example Large Drink look at the Average Price and then same thing for Large Fries. If both Average Price match to the combine price total of your Go Big price you will only want to note those items Quantity or Total. Ignore other Large Drink or Large Fries.
- Combine the Total or Quantity of Large Fries and Large Drink whichever you prefer and that will give you an idea for that day or week how much of Go Big was place.
- Optional: If you’re not sure what your Go Big is set to go to PAR Portal > Configuration > Settings Editor > Items . Look at PLU 4016 and 6020 both of those prices is the combine total price of your Go Big and each item should match in your report.